Please refer to our exclusion clause on the back of this page. 请参考本页背面我司的专用条款。
An insurance document may contain reference to any exclusion clause. 保险单据可以援引任何除外责任条款。
Exclusion Clause in the Contract 论合同中的免责条款
The author compares and analyses their country's law about sidelong price alliance from the institution for enforcing law, legislation responsibility and exclusion clause. 从横向价格联盟的执法机构、横向价格联盟成员应承担的法律责任、横向价格联盟的适用除外制度几个角度进行了比较分析,指出了其中可以为我国借鉴的成份。
On the Environmental Exceptions in WTO's Law from the Perspective of Sustainable Development Legislative Drawback and Perfection On Environmental Exclusion Clause in China 论WTO法中的环境例外条款我国环境例外规则的立法缺陷及其完善
The fourth part analyses and discusses on the control of the exclusion clause. 第四部分对免责条款规制问题进行分析和探讨。
Legislative Drawback and Perfection On Environmental Exclusion Clause in China 我国环境例外规则的立法缺陷及其完善
Chapter II is from the point of view of international law. It states the trade-related international environment convention and WTO, especially the Environmental Exclusion Clause in the GATT. 第二章从国际法的角度,论述了与贸易有关的国际环境协定和WTO的相关规定,主要是通过相关案例分析了WTO环境例外规则的主客观要件。
Therefore, the evaluation of the effectiveness of exclusion clause in format insurance contracts is meaningful, while the evaluation methods and accordance is also important. 因此,格式保险合同免责条款的效力评价很有意义,而评价的依据和方法的确定十分重要。